Here is an article that says Jesus had to have been born in the summer:


This slide infers how the date was lost in a 300 year time span:

And here we have the touchstone article that says Jesus born
on July 25th, which is my (present day) birthday: July 25th, 1964.  I am years old.
My passport with my birthday is shown below the beginning of the article's image, with the article continuing below my information.

I changed my name to my last name to my father's last name. My father was Malcolm Forbes. After my passport is my birth certificate and also the legal document that changed my last name to Forbes.


The article continues (some fluff left out):

I asked him how he determined that and he gave me the name of the software that he used.

Leo the Lion, Zodiac birth sign of July.

Why does it say "Old Zodiac?" Because someone tried to change it. I wonder why.

Here's a Zodiac image of Leo the Lion:

images/Leo the Lion.jpg

The person who wrote the article above that correctly identified my birthday 2000 years ago will live for a thousand years here and then go to Heaven, which in a thousand years will not require dying first before going to Heaven.


Information on the two articles, although you may find that you can't reach them due to capacity:
  1. Jesus born in summer
  2. Jesus born on July 25th

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