Not functional anymore, but it looks cool,
so I haven't removed it. Tea & Crumpets
These colored bands are for the White House. The webpage for the reader starts below them. You can always come back and read these colored bands if you want to, but don't get bogged down: they include a 360-page Adobe pdf, which you shouldn't read—if you want to—until after you have digested the webpage, which has very important information, whereas the 360-page document is trivial.
For the White House: You may want to and should read this entire webpage.
Got a very light snap at 3:59pm, where 59 is on a clock code for an SF-95. What it means: they're (Heaven) going to try to move it along with the least pressure possible.
White House: an Instagram post.
For an air of good fortune take a favorable stance. (A bit of advice.)
You're in luck. I know that you don't want to pay the settlement, but this could really work out well for you, an announcement. (See the other messages—separated by color—at the top of this webpage.) Let's let bygones be bygones.
I have said that there should be an announcement of the settlement over the airwaves after 30 days, but I didn't specify when the 30 days starts. It starts after payment.
Banking Information
Since there is a limit to Treasury transactions, there are two ways to make satisfactory payment:
1. Same Day Pay (WIRE), with maximum amounts transferred and whatever residue remains.
2. A special, non-Treasury checking account is opened and checks are written from that.
For the same day wire, my account information was provided to the White House via snail mail. If you don't have it, please contact me in any manner that is successful, up to and including sending a personal courier.
WIRE is preferred and will negate having to have a team drive to my apartment. If you write checks rather than wire, the team will also have to accompany to a bank that is 30 miles away.
Most recent posts are on top, in reverse chronological order. Posts are divided by color.
Since you'll be writing "White House settlement" in the memo field of the checks, the following maroon statement may be ignored, and announcement can and should be delayed and not made when I'm at the bank, but 30 days later.
In my view, the settlement must be aired by the White House after 30 days, as this is how I will become known, which is a necessity.
The song How You Remind Me by Nickelback is playing:
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say "Sorry"
I was waiting on a different story
This time, I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breaking
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no
Here are the two options: 1) If you can't contact me, announce the settlement before you contact me; and 2) If you can contact me first, announce the settlement when I'm at the bank. Thank you.
Feel free to air your disagreement with the settlement, although you still may, and perhaps should, take a favorable stance and align yourselves with the plaintiff, J.C.
After September 9th messages to the White House will migrate to
NOTE: It is requested that you announce the settlement over the airwaves before you contact me, as texts to my phone appear to be blocked. Also, the checks should be divided into amounts of $100 billion dollars and whatever residue remains.
New element, as of Thursday, August 15th: In the memo field on the checks please enter "White House settlement" so that the checks actually get cashed instead of being thought errors.
Whether or not you put flair into the announcement is up to you.
But, you know, first try to contact me by text or a telephone call initially, if you can, but if not then announce before you contact me.
My door is the red door next to the garage. You can park in front of the garage.
You may want to and should read this entire webpage.
You should save this page. If you come back it may not be here. Press "Ctrl-S" to save.
This page is about a Government puzzle book that hides a secret. It will take you about ten minutes to see two of the solved puzzles in this book to be sure that the Government is hiding information from you. The puzzle book is meant for agents.
To see the puzzles it is important to have the correct version of the book (provided herein), as the puzzles and coded page numbers (coded by the addition of the letters of italicized words by their numerical position in the alphabet) that lead to information that connects pertinent content on one page with another, are not available in some versions. The correct version has capital letters for the Malcolm Forbes puzzle and the correct page numbering for other puzzles: Copyright 1968, March 2002 printing by Publisher Pocket Books, 338 pages or publisher Scribner, First Scribner trade paperback edition November 2008, 338 pages. (It may say 352 pages since they may include the Roman numeral introduction pages in the page count even though the last page in the book is 338.) I have a hardcover copy of the book that does not have capital letters for "M-A-L-C-O," making the puzzle disappear. There is a "M A L C O For" puzzle on pages 46, 45 and 43. All three pages go to the same puzzle. It is shown on this web page; keep reading. The why this book was written and why the gov't has made an extensive effort to establish the disinformation campaign to solidify their creation J. Malcolm Forbes will be answered after you have read most of the first two puzzles.
Me, July 27th, 2023
There is no shadow under my eyes. The government added it.
Me, January 25th, 2024
I live in Massachusetts, United States and attended the University of Miami, Florida, where I won the award for Outstanding Business Law Student. Below is my graduation photo.
Please read at least until the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle image that says above it, "Page 43, in the middle of the page is 'in 1962' and Malcolm Forbes was 43 in 1962." Page forty-three is reached by the words "Forty-three files" from the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle page. If by this you do not ascertain that this is a puzzle book, by looking at Page 43, ...
Here's the front and back covers.
Kipp from Kip Puzzle
Image 1
Here's the coding of "Kipp" from "kip:"
Directly above my name, which is shown near the bottom, is the text "three double three".
This immediately caught my attention, since it appeared to say double the third letter. So,
I looked more. It turns out if you run a straight line from the "three double three" to the
"333" on the page, a "thirty-three" lines up on the top of the facing page, as shown in Image 3 on the 2nd line.
Notice two lines below the Leo triangle that there is an italicized "was," then "about him," and an italicized "why". Was adds to 43 and why adds to 56, so we turn to pages 143 and 156, as is shown later but should be noted now.
Image 2
Page 123 zoomed on name, "kip". I'm also noted as all in another part of the book, since the letters add to my birthday, the 25th.
Image 3
So I looked around. The first thing that jumped out at me is that it says: "And the letters? There are letters missing too." on the top line.
On the third line of page 122 it says "incoming letters" so I looked around and across the page
on page 123 it says: "He was doing the silliest bloody job in Registry..."
on the same line, 3.
I was able to put together the sexual innuendo to get a "P" from period. THAT'S NOT ALL!!!
I decided to look at page 333. And there I found an odd, geometric reference to "square, circle, and triangle, as shown in Image 4.
Above, not circled because I noticed it years later, is, on Page 122 Paragraphs 4 and 6, "They're letters from German Departments" and "The missing letters belong on the missing files...As they're from German Departments." Karl-Heinz Kipp was a German billionaire who started the Massa Department store chain (Massa for Massachusetts where I live) and "Karl-Heinz" is in this book on a key page, as shown below on Page 186.
Image 3b
Image 3c
My birthname is Kipp Ron Gibbs. Here, circled, you can see the name Siebkron, for side KRon, and there are puzzles in the book where the name Siebkron solves to KRon. Karl-Heinz is the bottom circled element.
Image 3d
Looking back at Page 123, we notice the 333.
Image 4
I read the page and saw the word "square" (see bottom line shown), which
called my attention to the triangle "NATO".
Then I noticed in a straight line between them the word "encirclement".
I went back to page 123, shown again, in the next image.
Image 5
When I perused page 123 again, I noticed a "Leo" triangle (see lines 5 thru 7).
I contemplated pages 122 and 123 and figured out that this text: "for anyone to pick up" on line 4 of page 122 (shown in next image)
was an instruction to go up to page 133, since it's below the "thirty-three" on Line 2,
AND THERE on page 133 I found a completion of the Leo triangle facet
of the puzzle, as is shown four images below.
Image 6
This image is from an Adobe PDF that I also have of the book, which is why it looks different. (UPDATE: I put a photo of the page here.)
See line 4, "for anyone to pick up", so you go up and see the "thirty-three" and the direction from page 122 is up to page 133.
It also says on Line 10, "Very stiffly....The missing letters" referring graphically
to a hard-on and penis, again giving you the reference to the period in case they
weren't certain. This is about a pregnancy and having a different father, namely
Malcolm Forbes, as will be shown and discussed that my mother lived on his
private island off of Cape Cod, Naushon Island of the Elizabeth Islands, where
my stepfather ran the power plant.
Image 7
Here, ON THE SAME Line 5 as page 123, are the words: "it's a sign of arriving in Bonn these days"
I am a Leo (my Zodiac) and I was born on 7/25/64.
This line is directly over the apex of the Leo triangle on page 123.
I could not put the book down. I found many other puzzles.
The red dot is the dot through with a pen through the o of Leo on Line 5 on Page 123.
Images 8 & 9
Here's the Zodiac for July 25, and a chart showing both the old and new signs. I, of course, am from the old ones.
I don't actually thrive being the center of attention, like it says. I'm kinda a bit shy.
This section moved to another part of the page, so the image numbers will here have a gap.
Image 13
The kip to kipp puzzle is on page 123. Guess what else is on 123? The CIA. Here's its headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where you can see Route 123 to the right. That side road you see is what it looks like; it's the CIA entrance road that loops around the facility. This isn't proof the CIA made this book and it may just be a coincidence, but as you read on you'll come to a section that lists CIA identification coding within the book.
Image 14
Remember that we noted pages 143 and 156 from was and why. It says on Page 143, "lifting one hand from the steering wheel," which means turn one page leaf, which brings us to Page 145. Remember that. It also says on Page 143, "someone like Leo," and repeats "Someone like—" for emphasis with an em dash punctuation mark, which means look here, as a reference to the Leo triangle page where the kip to Kipp puzzle main page is.
Image 15
Here is Page 156. It says "keys" several times for key to a puzzle, and then after the word "five" it says, "Maybe less," so we go backwards to a previous five page, which is also Page 145.
Image 16
This is the lower half of Page 156. It's about my trust funds.
Image 17
And now here is Page 145. Notice that it says puzzle and has the letter P by itself three times, "three double three."
The Malcolm Forbes puzzle
Image 1
On Page 46 if you're reading through the text you come upon "S-H-A-W-N" followed in a couple of sentences by another "S-H-A-W-N". This alerts the puzzle solver that something looks like it's up. Then a little later it says, "Lumley had a folder open before him," where Lumley refers to Langley, Virginia where the CIA is located.
A little further down the page it says, "He gravitated to Germany in forty-five", where Germany likely stands for G-Man, a Government Man. So we turn to Page 45. Page 46 Zoomed is next.
Image 2
After reading that Shawn lifted the receiver look further down the page to where there are two small paragraphs with the name Shawn and a small paragraph sandwiched in-between them, just like the two S-H-A-W-N's on Page 46. So we examine the in-between paragraph. The capital letters clearly spell out a then very famous person, Malcolm Forbes. You can skip the capital F of Friday, since it says above that, "not one of them below" with the "below" ending just before the capital F of Friday. So we can easily see M-A-L-C-O For. If you were an adult in 1968 that would be like saying B-A-R-A-C Oba now.
Malcolm Forbes was the very famous, household-name publisher of Forbes Magazine back in its heyday.
Why was the Forbes name important to me, as well? Because my mother lived on the Forbes island, Naushon Island, when I was conceived in 1963, where my step father (Stanley Gibbs), my mother's husband, ran the power plant. The "power plant" consisted of a couple of diesel generators, I think. Anyway, when I saw the Malcolm Forbes puzzle and reflected on other parts of the book, I was like, "So he's my father," at least according to this book. Definitely plausible.
In the same paragraph as M-A-L-C-O For is the number Forty-three and Malcolm Forbes was 44 years old when I was born, but on page 43 it says "in 1962" and he was 43 then in October, the month of my conception. It clues you into this by saying "Forty-three files," which is, of course, part of the "MALCO For" puzzle. First zoomed:
I added this page later, which is why there's no image number for it. Also, the lighting is different so the page appears to be a different color.
This is Page 43, as is referenced above with "Forty-three files" on Page 45.
The time of year in 1963 is October, the date of my conception. So for 1962 it's past August 19, making Malcolm Forbes 43.
Here's the calculation. I don't know the exact date in October, 1963 of my conception, so I just put October 1st.
Image 3
Here's Page 12. Look at what it says about Arthur Meadows and [birth] Registry in the same paragraph that it says, "until Karfeld came along. Nine months". That's Klaus Karfeld, for Santa Claus, Christ. Klaus Karfeld is the name of the character in the book. The name is Meadows because one of the spy agencies, the NSA, is located on Fort Meade in Maryland, United States. Presumably the "ow" is for pain, as they stung my father into submission with microwaves.
"Bustling" means busy, as in busy as a bee, stung." It also means that they threatened to frame him for a crime he would not have committed (busted), as they continually do to me. The "demon-", of course, is Christ.
Image 4
The top of Page 12 is where it talks about a large sum of money and baby's bank account. Do you see where it says "Krupp" in the same paragraph? That solves to Kipp in this book. Note that it says, "up-and-downer". Next see Pages 12 and 13 below.
I should have started the counting on the word "Krupp" and ended it on the word "Russian". That's 103 words. Remember that number.
Image 5
Looking to the right on Page 13 we see, "...two hundred quid's worth and away we all go..." The ellipses draw attention to the instruction. Money in Russian is a ruble. Take away two letters from Krupp: the "ru". Below it says, "down. It's". We replace it with the "up-and-downer". Here we have the down, the letter "I".
Next we look at the italicized word "involved" and add the letters to get 103 and we turn to that page, shown next. Remember that 103 is the same number as the word "Russian" on Page 12.
Images 6, 7, 8
On Line 3 we see "me;" (wink) and "me" a second time on the same line followed by "to move up to R" and we have our up of the "up-and-downer" that says to move it to where the letter "R" is in "Krupp". Directly below the word "me" is the letter "I" and below the letter "R" of "Registry" is the letter "I" exactly where it would move up to, positioned at the right of the letter "R". Here we look back to the bottom of Page 12 (shown on the right, below), where it said, "connecting door from Registry" and "Nine months, he reflected—". Look again at the "I" below the word "Registry". It says, "no, I" where the letters "no" are an abbreviation for the word "number." The letter "I" is the ninth letter in the alphabet. Here is the reflection of nine mentioned on Page 12. Think is what "reflected" says to the puzzle solver. It's very specific: "reflected—" is followed by a dash and the matching dash is before the word "—nine". In fact, the very first line of Page 103 contains the single, solitary abbreviation, "No." to really tip them off.
Now, I will caution you when you read the following that you would do well not to say anything derogatory. This plan is of Heaven's making and ties to the birth of Jesus by the Virgin Mary. What is key is that there was no intercourse involved. First, some scriptures, and I if were you, I'd heed them.
Here we have the connecting verse, Isaiah 14:24, noting the verse numbers of the two linked verses above. Surely is the Bible's way of saying Shirley, my mother's name.
NOTE: When adding font-size to this paragraph I typed ss when trying to type style, which is how visual aspects of the webpage are established. SS adds to 38. To me this says, If you want to face Death, which adds to 38, please open your mouth or stylize your writing in a less than respectful way on the topic that next follows as pertains to my mother, my system causing the typo of SS, where S is the 19th letter of the alphabet, seeming to say that the Artificial Intelligence Super Amp of the Sky will assess your public discourse on the subject banned from discourteous commentary and will end your life.
Why? Because the miracle conception got the ball rolling with the government that led to the publication by them of this book, not knowing at the time that this would be a verification of my existence. That is for all of you. Do be certain to appreciate that those involved agreed to be marionettes of my system in the way described.
October 1963 was the month of my miracle conception, as next described.
Further down the page (displayed again below) we have "blow over; I'll". Another wink. Blow for 69 or quotes. It supports the winked word "me;" being over the letter "I" with the second occurrence of the word "me". The expression is blow me.
It's also a reference to October 1963, my conception and birth through oral copulation (do yourself a favor and read the next paragraph after you finish this one), "Karfeld's October," Klaus Karfeld, as it says on Page 250 (shown below), where my birthday is the 25th. It says specifically, "king and now we were in Bonn [born]. Late October: Karfeld's October. Things had just hotted up" meaning that things got hot—sexy—up only, oral only, yet a birth in nine months, right on time. It says late October because that's the literal time, late in the month, but the birth was right on time, as is noted in the book. At the top of Page 250 are the words, "It was a buffet. A bloody Bonn buffet" because my mother had her period.
I said above that why they wrote this book is supported in its text. You will see that in the puzzles that follow. Above on this page, you saw "Bournemouth and seed." That was due to my miracle conception via oral copulation in October of 1963, an event that was witnessed by the gov't with through-the-wall, roomview radar. This book was written and they were spying on Malcolm Forbes in 1963 for other reasons, and so by Heaven's design were witnesses to my existence. STOP. THINK. THIS BOOK EXISTS. THE GOV'T HAS SPENT MASSIVE RESOURCES TO ESTABLISH A MADE UP PERSON,
You can see again on the top right, below, the nine months section. This time notice that the last word on the page is "demon-," the hyphenated part of demonstrations. Its placement is deliberate and not happenstance. The entire book is filled with information about what they witnessed and their assessment of it. Read the page shown below it. On the third line from the bottom, "Aden" is for Eden.
Next look at the word "wise" on the left margin of Page 103. That's like a wink, as well. It's followed by the letter "I".
This is from another part of the book. It says, "head, as if fertilised by," on the second to last line. It is magnified because it is being viewed in Adobe Acrobat. The string of words is purposeful and complements Bournemouth and seed. If you read it vertically it says, "Only head." Further up on the page is the italicized word "passion" and then "for steel." In the middle of what you see is "blood...for-got...the steel." Take this and apply it to the word "Bloody" (lower right) to deduce the word "passion," as applied to "head, as if fertilised by."
This is from the same page.
Image 9
Circled on Page 166 below is, "bloody mother" and directly underneath that is "Bournemouth and seed"
There is also, "Head, as if fertilised by:"
Here's another part of the book that has Bournemouth and Siebkron successively:
I don't know what I searched that in to have the word "Bournemouth" together rather than hyphenated, because on the page in the book it's hyphenated:
And here is Bournemouth, England. Notice that Christchurch is near it.
Of course, I lived in the town of Bourne, Cape Cod, Massachusetts in 1968, when this book was published, moving there from the town of Sandwich, Cape Cod.
Image 10
On Page 17 it talks about Meadows again, saying he can't be everyone's father in a paragraph that talks about Leo. Remember the Leo triangle.
It also mentions "forty-five" and the Malcolm Forbes puzzle is on Page 45.
Further down the page it talks of a car accident with the word "small" above it. This happened to me twice as a child that I can remember, where each accident could have been fatal, and twice more as an adult. They have tried to kill me in at least four car accidents.
Here, the book character Arthur Meadows is referenced as the father. Me a DOW Jones, wealthy person.
It says flogging. Heaven said to me that the satelliters were responsible for the bare bottom whippings with a thin tree branch (switch) I frequently got that often drew blood. It was extremely painful and is one of the biggest regrets of my life that I allowed that to happen, as for anything negative to occur in my life it would have to have been expressly authorized, since the ai (Artificial Intelligence) can prevent any kind of harm to me.
This is the reference to Page 45, which is the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle page, as is shown again in the next image following.
Here is the complete Page 17, and then we'll focus on the top in the next image.
Here they have a reference to the Leo triangle from page 123, in this way: KF (Kipp Forbes) adds to 17, adding three from the Leo triangle (shown again below) gives us the "lose Leo for twenty." It says on the left, "What's Leo been up to?" which is a multi-part reference:
up is a reference to the Page number at the top of the book page.
What's up is also a refence to the satellites, which can sting your hands and body, what an association of watt, a measure of electricity, which will be shown next.
Here's the definition of watt, noting that they signed it with my information, as is discussed below the image.
The video on the left has a time of 5:21. Kipp adds to 52.
It says it has 655.5K views. Forbes adds to 65. My name is Kipp Forbes.
The second video has a length of 7:42. Jesus adds to 74 and KRGF (Kipp Ron Gibbs Forbes, the name the government has been callling me since birth, because my birth last name is Gibbs, but Malcolm Forbes is my real father) adds to 42, as shown on the right here.
It has 3.1M views. That is from this book, A Small Town in Germany, that says, "thirty-one fatal cases," on Page 292, as is shown next. Notice the name "Karfeld" on the line above. That's Klaus Karfeld—also listed elsewhere on the page by his last name; His full name will be shown after that.
Below, is from the same page, with Karfeld mentioned again. They have "a big fellow," a play on my birthname Gibbs. Leo is mentioned, my birth sign, and the word "fair," which is from the blood test puzzle, an italicized word, directing you from the page it appears on to the next page to turn to.
Here is the full page 292, and then we'll show Klaus Karfeld from another
page in the book:
Here we have the book's character Klaus Karfeld, mentioned with Siebkron. On the lower left is Karl-Heinz, which is a reference to Karl-Heinz Kipp, a German billionaire, who owned the Massa Department Stores. I am from Massachusetts. He is shown below.
I show you the watt defintion collection again, and then talk about other numbers in it.
If you look at the video on the right, above, it says, 267.2K views. God adds to 26 and hand pain to 67. On the center video they have the date as October 25th. I was born on July 25th, 1964. (I'll talk about that as being the actual birth of Jesus two thousand years ago, in a moment.) My miracles conception was in October of 1963, which they call Karfeld's October, as shown below.
This is Page 250, and I was born on the 25th. (Actual birthdate of ancient times discussed next.) You'll note that for my entire life they intend to lie about me, seeking to give me an opposite reputation of Jesus, here talking about being a prisoner. Keep in mind this is a 1968 book and I was four years old, so this was directed at my father as a threat. Where you see the count to 11, K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet, so name is K For[bes]. The count is from the word "war", where war adds to 42, the same as KRGF.
Here they hint that this book with Germany in the title is actually about Americans.
Here is the most of the page. This is a 1968 book. I was four years old.
This is the copyright, but it doesn't mention the title, so I have a video to do that below.
Images 11, 12 & 13
There's not just a letter puzzle for "M-A-L-C-O For." If we go from the "For" part of the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle, which says, "Forty-three," to Page 43, in the middle of the page is "in 1962" and Malcolm Forbes was 43 in 1962. Page 43 also precedes, ending on the same line as 1962, with "Anglo-German" from which we get "AGe."
Here's Page 45, where it says, "Forty-three."
And Page 43, that says "Anglo-German" (AGe) "in 1962."
Image 14
Here's the back cover where it says "peak" below "forty-three files."
Image 15
There was a Peaked Hill radar site on Martha's Vineyard which is likely where they spied on Malcolm Forbes from, across the sound.
Image 16
Here's where it is in relation to Naushon Island, which is the landmass at the 11 o'clock position.
Image 17
This is page 208 of A Small Town in Germany:
Image 17.1
This is page 187 of The Blood Royal. Here is why these books haven't come to light. They give them a redhand. As for me, I've received a redhand for a different reason, but since then we are blocking them from me.
NOTE: This page was written many years ago. Today is November 8, 2023. It seems I should say why above I received a redhand, when written unexpressed: I sued them, the government, in 2010, well, a pre-suit filing (a Standard Form 95, SF-95, is required to be filed six months in advance of filing a federal lawsuit agains the U.S. Government), if I recall, and also brought a suit in Madawaska, Maine naming the government and their conspiracy. For that, I would presume based upon the timing, they gave me a redhand. There is another reason, as I elsewhere have expressed, and that is I am, if I want to be, the ultimate arbiter of what my system permits to happen to in the world, namely, that ionization, from what I gather, happens to just about everyone. There is a third, previously unexpressed component (as far as I can remember I haven't written of it before), and that is what, generally, I have said happens to me so that I may fully appreciate what can happen with power in the wrong hands, and so be ever cautious and remember: Do not give a primary key to the Power of God away, because it would almost inevitably end up in the hands of an aggressor who is not bound by conscience. The redhand I received was in 2010 in Madawaska, Maine.
Musical artist 50 Cent's song Flight 187, which begins with Heaven or Hell, is probably because of this book, or vice versa.
Image 17.2
This is the cover of The Blood Royal:
Here is your answer why between the two green bands as to how I found the book A Small Town in Germany:
How did I find out about the book? Well, when they put me in prison (the case was dismissed), which they had apparently planned that I would be in this particular prison, a guy came around with a book cart and asked me if I wanted a book. There were one or two shelves of books aligned vertically, as you would see in a library, with three books, if I remember, in the front of those, except they were on their side. The top book of the three was A Small Town in Germany. The guy did something that made me think he wanted me to take the top book of the three that were in front of the others, so I did. When I got to page 123, I saw something that made me think the book was possibly about me, and was a puzzle book. That puzzle is shown and solved on this web page, as the first puzzle. After rereading the book and examining it closely, solving the puzzles that I found, I concluded it was about me. Why they would have such a book wasn't difficult to imagine, since I was Christ.
It won't take much to see that this book is, in fact, about my father, Malcolm Forbes, and myself, as the puzzles resolve to same. There are many more puzzles.
Why? Why indeed? There is an answer, the only answer that will make sense to you, although when you first hear it you reaction will be utter—utter—disbelief. Nonetheless, through a sort of osmosis and after objective, dispassionate and even skeptical examination of these puzzles, you will eventually come to believe the answer provided as to why they exist. What is undeniable is that this book does exist, a product, ostensibly, of the Puzzle Palace, an informal name of the National Security Agency ("NSA"). Although crystallization in your mind that this book is nothing other than a puzzle book will become patently manifest, it will take a monumental, slow-moving shift, one that we understand, to belief the why, but it will dawn on you after a spell, and will become an inescapable conclusion.
Next, I will add the page that talks about the birth of Jesus 2000 years ago, as the person correctly figured out that it was July 25th back then, which is my birthday. Check back. I should have that online in soon. Okay, tell you what: I'll put a link to the webpage here.
When you get to the bottom of that page, use the back button to return to this page. If your browser then puts you at the top of this page, there's a link at the start of this page to bring you back here.
There has been a decades long, quiet struggle between a cabal of gov't malfeasors and a well-informed, secret society, who has found itself in the position of protecting our freedoms and preventing the change of our country from a democracy, but that is not the the unbelievable answer, as difficult to accept as it itself may be. Throughout the history of mankind free societies have become regimes fraught with oppression and rights of free speech and other activities crushed. The same has already happened here to some people and was going to happen to everyone. Despite the askance view these statements engender, you have not seen, however, why this book was ghost-written by the government. There is a single, seminal event that spurred its authorship.
You may wonder, from fourth preceding paragraph: "Why would they put this book in your hands? Look what you've done with the knowledge." They explicitly told me that I would die in North Carolina, at Butner, that I wouldn't be leaving there alive. They gave the book to me, before North Carolina, in Rhode Island, as a sort of victory over what I represent, to take pleasure in my realization and defeat. What they didn't expect are the miraculous events that ensued in North Carolina, altering their plans. We made a very real change to the very core of their technological underpinning, in a cascading error that gave me control over the anti-personnel appartus of their satellite system. They were forced to release me, given this change that occurred and their not knowing how it would play out. No doubt this opaque description has you wondering what could possibly have happened? I will satisfy your curiosity to a point. During an oral utterance targeting acquisition (my response to a verbal query) I was brushing my teeth and instead waved my hand only, causing a fork in processing and the three-person team that had a command prompt, by this error extended to me a command prompt, with a buffer-overflow error due to a zero-based index miscalculation, that gave me root access to the system in a complicated, Heaven inserted, cascading error.
Although I did not and do not know how to utilize the gesture and verbal command system and still do not, to a degree, the daily attacks on me with it no longer worked, and I happenstance ran a control program that they had installed, through a series of guided (like a puppet by Heaven) verbal and gesture movements. This is why they let me go via the ubiquitous mic system. I know much of what this system is capable of, what you would call classified information. I know its ins and outs, as it has been used against me with its far-reaching control of just about all electronic devices (the thirty year plan), and I have run commands on it for years, with sensory and auditory feedback from the system, as a marionnette of Heaven, who does know the intricacies of the system, better than they know it themselves. Due to the running of their control program from a privileged account (root) they were boxed out of the system and could no longer alter it administratively. I know what I'm talking about, with express, interactive events that bore this out, a knowledge that I immediately knew of the day it happened. That shelved their plans, as there was no way to reload the run-once, takeover program that I inadvertently ran instead of them, in presumably a timed window, because they lost administrative access. The system was designed to be impregnable and unalterable (couldn't take it away from them) after they locked others out of the box and reduced their privileges. I locked them out instead, but did not reduce their account privileges other than administrative, change-the-system access. They have not recovered from that setback to this day.
UPDATE (in blue font): They have since either launched new satellites or reconfigured the ground-based antennas or both because they can ionize my hands and body now. Also, it turns out that instead of a buffer-overflow based root level account Heaven ran their level-up program and simulated pings on my body and audible snaps in my vicinity. Couldn't Heaven just block the new satellites? Yes, but this appears part of a plan so that I can qualify for a settlement.
I don't understand. Why did this buffer-overflow error happen to you? Why hadn't it happened to someone else? Didn't they extensively test the system? Heaven put the error there and made certain that it would occur to me.
I believe, from a few different event-based deductions, that besides harassing me with the system daily, that they were, on the day that I obtained the equivalent of the NT Authority account, going to kill me that day, based upon the type of interaction from the previous night and specifically what that person did after calling out my last name (step 2 of three-person team), and had I responded verbally the next morning, the targeting acquisition would have occurred and I would have died that night. Down to the wire turnaround is how we sometimes do it. In Brooklyn, in an otherwise empty, indoor, cement-floored basketball and handball court area, empty other than three different people and me, a three-person team volleyed back and forth, as I watched them execute their baton-style command handoffs, that resulted in a cigarette like burn on one of my toes immediately when the final volley was executed by turning his head over his right shoulder to look at me, with his right elbow thrust back and pointed at me. When he looked back the burn occurred, so I took of my shoe and looked at it. Clearly this system can burn tissue and can do so at any 3-D, x-y-z coordinate, such as inside your head.
They, the remote gov't surveillers, have many times over the years activated lesser degree headshot holds on me from these microwaves, issuing a stay back threat to the Illuminati, who also monitor me, in a public-private partnership access granted to the system, for not making waves (pun intended) about its existence. (Damned if you do and damned if you don't.) UPDATE: These aren't stay back warnings. They've been trying to kill me with the system, Heaven says, and presumably try at least once a day. The program that I ran, I am otherwise informed, and will have a query about it that must be answered next year, was supposed to yank away that access, after the system was pervasive. But I ran it, perpetuating access (which helps keep the malignant sections of the gov't side from effecting their plans, part of which is the murder of many of us, which they threaten constantly) for my side. For now, take that on faith, the part about my running their takeover program, though the system did respond to me when I ran the program. Next year I have posed a series of questions, which must be answered completely and honestly, to the gov't articulates. They know where to find a hardcopy of the questions when it comes time to answer them next year, which I have also read to them. At least one of the questions is offensive to the sensibilities, but is asked with a multi-faceted basis for it being asked. Being politically correct will not stand in the way of the truth. Alternatively, a negative answer will make clear an exoneration from any hint of blame that may have bubbled to the surface from associated items and authority directives that occurred. I may incorporate part of this statement into that question. UPDATE: Questions are no longer being asked with compulsory answers (by Heaven) as part of a settlement agreement.
Going back a few paragraphs, the natural reaction is to recoil and shut down your mind at the mention of Christ, but why, why, why does this puzzle book exist?
Please note: I do not intend to become public until 2022 (UPDATE: or whenever). If you're in the government and reading this page and conclude that it holds water after examining the solved puzzles, please keep it under your hat. If you're going this route, an internal review at the CIA (or wherever), then we will not demand a statement be placed on the home page of, tailored for accuracy, if there is an office, there, for example. On another front, next year, Heaven will compel those in the department(s) who surveil me and the Forbes and others to reveal what they've forced to be kept hidden for so long by leaning on the principals, the gov't leaning on my associates. (There are many who know about me.) They, these wayward gov't employees, will admit to crimes committed and some will go to prison for those crimes, but they will admit to them, anyway.
The missing words, demarcated by _______, above are for the first blank "Christ," and "Heaven" for the rest of the blanks except for the paragraph that begins with "Going back a few paragraphs." There put "Christ." (Nevermind. Since I moved this section from the begining and your mind is somewhat open to the possibilites because there must be some reason, I just filled in the words Christ and Heaven where I had removed them.) Nonsense, I know, but the puzzle book is here, and you, who, by the time you reach here, already have some compelling questions as to "What for" in regards to J.M. Forbes & Co., can answer those questions by reading this page. You want to know. You must know. After reading only the first two puzzles by then you'll be aware. If not, you'll need to press the dept. that authorized the J.M. Forbes & Co. front company as to why they did it. They're a headstrong, ears pinned back bunch. I've been dealing with them for years. In some instances the gov't the people have paid for is not the gov't they have received. That's going to change. This is what they were afraid of.
I do not believe that the whole population of the clandestine agencies are wholesale participants in the degradation that has cancer-like spread throughout the deepest corners of your industry; it remains hidden and deep. Who, besides a few departments, know that I exist, and have taken lawless, sometimes brutal, actions to keep it a secret? There are many things that you do not know about what their drive is. They will answer these things themselves next year. UPDATE: They won't answer them. They'll be dead, as Heaven will respond with lethal force and deservedly so. They have systematically removed the 1791 Bill of Rights in practice, with a directed intent to make it the new paradigm of the country. I have much to support this incredible assertion. We, the Illuminati and Heaven, have stood in their way, preventing the culmination of their efforts, from achieving fruition. They are diametrically opposed to me as I am anathema to the totalitarian regime that they envision and have already taken steps to implement. I know so much, so much. We have stood in their way and will soon become their unraveling.
And, of course, this video emphasizes the key point. Think about it. Although this is a vine video, this page is deadly serious. The video is to make you think. The impossible is possible. The Bible has survived this long, as I have (albeit with attempts made on my life), for a reason.
Why, Why, Why Preacher (click here to see). Why, why, why does this book exist?
Why, Why, Why Preacher moved to my YouTube account so that the Government doesn't make it disappear.
So, your agency has been hiding the secrets of the Universe. Well, in a manner of speaking. They don't actually have them. I do.
We, Heaven, are the ones now blocking the microwave assaults of illicit agents of the government.
Image 18
This is Seven Gates Farm on Martha's Vineyard:
Image 19
This is page 157 of The Honourable Schoolboy, a 1977 book by the same author, John le Carre. Note that in military time 1925 is 7:25pm; my birthday is 7/25/64. It says "date of birth 1925," so what it reads in code is "date of birth 7/25."
Also it says "Headland Road" and A Small Town in Germany makes reference to this same sexual act, of which I was conceived, born.
Image 20
They combined Peaked Hill and Seven Gates into "Seven Hills." Note that the word "vineyard" appears twice and these locations are on the island of Martha's Vineyard, the neighbouring island next to Naushon Island, which is the Forbes' island. Note that it says, "Seven Hills; above the forests" and that Peaked Hill had an elevation of over 300 feet, the highest point on the island.
It also says, "on guard" and Stanley Gibbs, my supposed father, was in the Coast Guard branch of service of the United States.
Image 21
Here is page 131, which has "America" as the first word on the page. Further down it says, "Seven Hills" and "Where does he get his money from?"
Image 22
Here is page 54 which has Seven Hills again. Note the word "Konigswinter."
Image 23
This is Cronig's.
Image 24
This is page 166 of The Honourable Schoolboy. 1965 is circled. The letters of "Forbes" add to 65.
Images 25 & 26
This is page 167. Malcolm Forbes owned a house in London called the Old Battersea House. On the twelfth line below it says "battered" and on lines 2 and 3 it says, "Scots...who lived near the sea." Malcolm Forbes father was from Scotland. Further down the page it says, "the house called" and below that says, "gazes at it." That's a crude reference to the town of Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, which is shown below on this webpage, and also says to look here. On lines thirteen and fourteen it says, "Headland and Stanley." Stanley is my listed father's name on my birth certificate, Stanley Gibbs. That word on the top left of the page says, "oracle."
Above there's also the explanation of how they chose the name "Seven Hills," where it says, "chosen the name because gates." The letters of "never" add to 64, the year of my birth. You see above, "Sentiment, my son. Never..."
Images 27 & 28
Here's information about Old Battersea House:
The book The Honourable Schoolboy was published in 1977. Malcolm Forbes owned the house since 1971.
Image 29
Here's the town of Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard.
UPDATE: With future knowledge I now understand why it says above the elevation is 98 feet and quiet: Christ the Redeemer statue is 98 feet tall.
The Age 4 puzzle
Image 1
On Page 43 it sort of says Age 4. (This is not the puzzle, just a page of note.) Notice that it also says "fifty-one" where the letters of Jesus Christ add to 151. In the same paragraph it lists Siebkron.
If you want to see a photograph of the book rather than an Adobe pdf page, which came from a service that you purchased a book and they scanned it into an Adobe file. The Pocket Books edition I have a physical copy of. The Scribner version I only have the scanned version, which is why the page looks like it does above. Below is a photo of the Pocket Books page.
Images 2, 3 & 4
Read all of the circled text and take note of "Hanover's a D post...cyphers."
The italicized word "and" adds to 19, my father's birthday, "point one" and the italicized word "all" adds to 25, my birthday. I'm "all," derived from Christ Almighty, also on the page, circled in green. On the right, see page 64 (my birth year), where it says on the margin, "for Christ's [Christ is] all"." They sometimes use the word "all" to identify me in the book, and on the right is a case in point.
Below, is page 25, my birthday, where it says under the number 25, "the devil." The line includes "Siebkron," which is me, "k ron" (side Kipp Ron). Italicized is the word "always."
The page looks different because it's an image from the Adobe pdf copy of the book that I have.
Images 5 & 6
Now look at Page 41 where it says, "point one. Point two, all." On Page 40 is the italicized "When" for our compass point (identified by looking at the line before you draw it to see what comes up), and when you connect it with another "W" for West it perfectly intersects the "o" of the word "radio" so that we perforate the page there. "When" says that "all" and "and" are times, which you know if you have the files on us, which they did and do. The next image is the back cover, which says, "forty-three files, all." "Forty-three files" is also on page 45, part of the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle.
It also says "Junior" above the word "all." "Harting" is the character "Leo Harting," me.
Images 7 & 8
So we get Page 38, shown below. I was four years old in 1968, when this book was published.
The copyright year of 1968 is on the third line.
Image 9
Look closely at the "age" triangle and here we have our D post. Notice where it says "old" twice, but it is hidden in the text of the sentence. It says "for" for both four and Forbes. Why it says, "alarm the young with age is because the book is a kill book, as is evidenced throughout the book and noted in particular in "The Kill Him puzzle" that is discussed later. Also, for "D post" the letter "D" is the fourth letter of the alphabet.
That's not the only way we get to Page 38. From the Malcolm Forbes puzzle on Page 45 we turn to Page 43, since it says, "Forty-three." On Page 43 it says, "fifty-one." Turning to Page 51 there's the italicized word "metaphysical." Its letters add to 132. On Page 132 we solve the italicized word "My," which adds to 38, giving us the page of the age puzzle.
When you die people say that you're going to meet your Maker. Insert four letters of another of God's names into Yahweh backwards:
Yahweh — > hew make hay. Hew: to cut. Make hay, make something out of.
This is what we do with his name Allah, and hallelujah (praise God). The letters of Allah are in the word hallelujah frontward and backwards. Backwards, starting at the "a" we have the letters "jule" and then Allah. Jul is an abbreviation for July, and is my birth month. Well, why doesn't it have July in it instead of Jule? C'mon. Then people would have figured it out. After "jule" is "all" backwards, which adds to 25, so my birthday is hidden in hallelujah backwards.
The Muslims say that Christ was a prophet like Muhammad but they think he wasn't the Son of God. It's in the name itself, Allah, all, letters added, my birthday, 25, what the U.S. Government called me in this 1968 book (as shown next below) about the rebirth of Christ, and in God's other name, Allah, All is followed by an "a," giving the running total 25, 26, together, where the letters of "God" add to 26, and both God and Jesus say separately, "I am Alpha and Omega...," the TWO of us say it, and in "Allah" if you add four to one of the ells ("L") to get the letter "p," and move one place the "h" you get "Alpha."
Here, my father's birthday, the 19th of August, is encoded and, which adds to 19, and my birthday is encoded all, which adds to 25. The words king and key each add to 41, the page number. Note that other parts of the book say given him the keys, or something like that. They are referring, in part, to this page.
I was born in '64, where there's 46 books in the Old Testament. Daniel 9:2 "his reign...understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came..." I am the word of the Lord, as it says in Revelation 19:13 "And he was clothed in a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God." Continued in Daniel 9:3 "And I set my face unto the Lord...," where the definition of "facing" is opposite, as in direction. Daniel 9:8 "O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers..." Daniel 9:25 "Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be (italics the Bible's) seven weeks..." Well, we couldn't just say "months," as that would have been confusing. The verse number is 25, my birthday. It's also a reference, as above to 1925 military time, which is 7:25pm, giving the date 7/25, July 25th.
Revelation 1:12 "And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;" and where do you put candles, but on a birthday cake. I was born the seventh month, 7/25. "being turned" also refers back to Daniel 9:2. The voice that spake with him is from the preceding verse, where Jesus is speaking. Turned to see the voice, turned to see the Word of God.
Mark 16:9 "Now when Jesus was risen...of the week,...out of whom he had cast seven devils." Devil backwards is lived, which goes with risen, and it says, "out of," which means reverse.
2 Kings 25:25 "But it came to pass in the seventh month that...the seed royal, came..." You have to remove ten words to get from "that" to "the," and the key is in the verse. Here's the complete scripture: "But it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, came and ten men with him, and smote [(removed, where the words are men)] Gedaliah, that he died, and the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah." Note that the book is 2 Kings (me), and that it's 25:25, my birthday, December 25 and July 25.
Above, the word King is used "43 times" and the letters of "Jul" add to 43, to get a time, and that's in the word hallelujah (Praise God) backwards, Allah, who if God is called king and Allah is God then Allah is a king, as well. Two kings, my father and I (2 Kings) and two Why's ("Y"), 2 Kings 25:25, the verse with the the ten men smote.
For "Bible" we add the letter "d." (A Small Town in Germany happened` to say, "Hanover is a D post.") Bibled — > bi-bled — > (bi means two) two blood, two of the same blood. Then we go to the Bible, 1 Kings 2:32 "And the Lord shall return his blood upon his own head, who fell upon two men more righteous and better than he, and slew them with the sword, my father David not knowing thereof, to wit ; Abner the son of Ner, captain of the host of Israel, and Amasa the son of Jether, captain of the host of Judah."
It begins with "And the Lord shall return," which has a duality of meaning and is talking about the second coming of Christ. The next two words are "his blood." Then "upon his own head," and this book, A Small Town in Germany details sexually that that is the method of my miracle conception in 1963. Then we take from the Bible verse "blood upon" and connect it with "upon two men," and for good measure, talking about God and myself, it says that they are "more righteous." (Just for fun.) Then we take "the sword, my father" and put sword backwards to get "the words my father" and my father also backwards, as with Yahweh. As with a sword, on the words we cut (hew) to get hidden meaning.
Yahweh < — > hew hay — > phonetically, "Hey," How are you doing?
Hew hay, and hay is for horses. So we go to the Bible verse Genesis 49:17 "Dan shall be a serpent [(the Devil's in the details)] by the way, an adder [(adding the letters of words)] in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward."
Next we go to Deuteronomy 17:16 "But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor [(where the letters of horse add to 65, the same as Forbes—an adder)] cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the Lord hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return on more that way."
So, we multiply horses by for (four) as it says. The letters of "horses" add to 84, and 84 times 4 is 336. As the verse says, "to the end that he should multiply horses," so we take "to" (two) at the end, 36, and my initials, KRG, add to 36. Then it says, "forasmuch as the Lord hath." I am Forbes as much as I am Gibbs, and the Lord hath means the Lord (myself) have. Have the Lord. And you have the Lord, with the two at the end of multiplying horses by four. Of Forbes "bes" adds to 26, the same as "God" so that I can use the word Lord here, as the Bible refers to both God and me as the Lord, and I am also known as Our Lord and Saviour.
Deuteronomy 1:10 "The Lord your God hath multiplied you, and behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude."
77 times 25 = 1925, and in military time that's 7:25pm. My birthday is 7/25. "are this day as the stars of heaven for," so add the letters of "for" (39) to 1925 gives 1964, the year of my birth. The point is that the letters of "Gibbs," my last name, also add to 39, giving 1964.
Christ adds to 77.
Let's go back to hallelujah. Swords — > words — > cut — > hallelujah — > jul e — > cut — > cute my words (God's) — > cut my words, as to decipher — > sword — > words — > cut my words forward
Jeremiah 50:27 "A sword is upon their horses..." Upon as in backwards.
Zechariah 10:5 "...on horses shall be confounded." Con founded, a game.
Revelation 19:21 "...upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth..." words.
Although the word "apocalypse" is not in the King James version of the Bible, the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is well-known and is from the Bible book Revelation 6:7-8. Here are those verses, followed by the hidden meaning: 7. "And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."
UPDATE: My three sisters (my sisters from Heaven and not my sisters here from my mother Shirley Gibbs (Shirley Gilmetti remarried)) worked on the computer-satellite-based Power of God with me and with Hannah's suggestion made it an extensible system that many could contribute to without knowing its secret inner workings. Today, that knowledge is sealed and shut and requires four keys to open—my sisters and I—potentially unleashing the dissemination of that knowledge and the likely war and other ills that would ensue. Hence, we, my three sisters and myself, are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Popcorn Colonel? They are called that because they pop in and pop out in this way: The Popcorn Colonel satellites can stream atoms and can create replicas of themselves or alternatively can signal other Popcorn Colonels to de-stream them (popping out). Why? you might ask.
It's the Ways and Means Committee (the name of a United States Congressional committee). There's two ways they deal with an approaching ship: 1) The nice way, which is On my way, wherein they signal other popcorn colonels and request to be destreamed (dissolved), since seeing or an attempt to explore the technological underpinnings of a Popcorn Colonel is not allowed; and 2) The mean way, which is they signal an approaching ship and notify it that if they do not change course that they will be subject to dissolution. If the ship does not sufficiently alter its course on its own, the Popcorn Colonel will institute course changing measures. If this fails it will dissolve the ship.
You may next wonder: Isn't that a bit extreme? Perhaps, but the alternative is the inevitable war that would result if there were dissemination of the functionality of a Popcorn Colonel and its paradigm altering ability to stream atoms.
Streaming atoms was an epiphany that I had from looking into an atom and discovering a way to rapidly move them along the x, y, and z-axis individually. My sisters and I made that apple core an extensible system, the apple tree. The Tree of Knowledge of the Garden of Eden is that tree, the inner workings of the atom streaming system, which knowledge we removed from our consciousness and sealed it shut.
The Garden of Eden is not the true beginning of mankind but is instead the beginning of the existence of mankind with the benefits of the Power of God, which we couldn't call Popcorn Colonels in the Bible for three reasons: 1) the Bible is a serious book and computers and satellites weren't known; 2) this seriousness enabled us to discourage warring behaviour and other destructive behavior; and 3) popcorn wasn't invented in the technologically bereft time of the Bible, which was a walk back from the advancement that had taken place in society.
Now, some of you will think about the Bible's passage that man shall not lie with mankind as with womankind. It's discouraged, even though my sisters from Heaven are bisexual, which you'll read about later. It was our and Heaven's wisdom—if you could call it that—that the difficulties inherent in a mixed relationship (with bisexual women, three, and a heterosexual male) should be avoided. It is possible for homosexual males to make it to Heaven but their sexuality is changed. Heaven measures the person, not the sexual proclivities of, wherein the legality of those practices in the United States is paramount. We don't allow pedophiles into Heaven because they run roughshod over what is beneficial to the youth.
Thoughtfulness of others is an important consideration, but please don't turn into genuflecting idiots with subservient how do you do's to every loser you see. (I say loser facetiously to refer to everyone you encounter.) What we ask is that in your interaction with others that it's some days yours and others give way, where days is simply a disagreement. We expect a good person, not a perfect one, contemplating Revelation 3:2, for I have not found thy ways perfect before God. God one is yours truly (of the Holy Trinity), as the power is mine, as it says in the Bible—the power of his Christ, and in other places—and I'm a bit more easygoing. You know, Jesus. Here is Revelation 12:10 KJV: "And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ..." It's also in other places in the Bible, making it quite clear who the source of power is.
So, why is it God the Father and the Holy Ghost? Well, it was my parents kingdom when I was born and it remains theirs, although I expanded their kingdom geometrically with the advent of the Power of God and offering the blessings thereof, and this new kingdom I give 60 percent to my sister Jade and 40 percent of the expanded kingdom—which encompasses everything—to my parents.
Jade is the oldest and has always been head of household and as it has been so it shall remain, even though in our time, as in England before 2011 or 2012, a younger male heir would be king over an older female heiress. Jade rules, but not here on Earth, at least not for a thousand years.
The Bible says that Jesus returns and reigns for a thousand years. Let me tell you a little bit about that. I will be a titular King, which means in name only and without official authority. Countries, in time, would appoint me as the King of kings, wherein the present rulers would remain in the same palaces, etc., and with the same duties as they have now, and countries would do this to secure the blessings of our kingdom, such as health and eternal life.
There are four countries with exclusions, namely Britain, which has a permanent exclusion, and the following countries 100-year exclusions: Saudi Arabia, France and the country of Jordan. As for the others, I will not accept such title until beginning in the year 2035, and perhaps extending that time until further in the future. I originally included Russia and the United States in the list of countries with one hundred year exclusions until the Ukraine war and also the United States I will be involved in politically, as well, unless there's a suitable President. The United States is fractured and that is going to change.
Also, I like people with confidence, although I am also drawn to the introvert. I mention this because the Bible has the absurd command of all glory to God and none to yourselves. Here is one of the scriptures, Isaiah 2:17 "And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day." What?! That's crazy. Strut if it makes you happy. I like panache. You may think I can't question the Bible. I'm Christ! I can. Let me tell you about two scriptures that are direct opposites of each other. Proverbs 26, 4-5. Verse 4 says, "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." Verse 5 contends, however, "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit." Here is the meaning: Sometimes the inane when spoken by a silver tongue may seem sensible, but then answer it with reasoned discourse as to why it is not if it matters to you. On the other hand, a rant that appears to be nothing more than that needs no answer.
Section removed because it was arcane.
2 Kings 18:34 NIV "Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad...." We combine this with the verse Revelation 19:16 KJV "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." We take the vest of vesture and apply it with ve and st to Hamath and Arpad to get Have math and Starpad. See! Easy.
My Initials puzzle
Image 1
Note the bottom of the page where it says, "Queen's initials," which stands for royalty or King of Kings. At the top of the page, it says, "Neuengamme" for Name Game. Three lines below it says, "Kulmhof and Gross Rosen," my initials, KRG, but out-of-order. They fix that on another page. To get there we examine the adjacent page, 273, but before we do that look at the word "forage" (for age, from the above puzzle) three lines below "Kulmhof and Gross Rosen." That sentence starts with "Leo," and so reads, "Leo...forage in...childhood."
Looking at the line below where I wrote in green ink "KRG" it says, "God in Heaven" for good measure.
Image 2
There's some information that is helpful, and that is that Kipp Ron Gibbs Forbes adds to 203. Page 273 says italicized, "Are they like horses," which also adds to 203. To tip off that those italicized words are relevant they're followed by the words, "Hazel Bradfield's." Hazel is a keyword from the blood test puzzle (next), which says, "The Irish blood had come through richly in Hazel," and Bradfield refers to a field in a database, a piece of information. A few lines below the first "Hazel Bradfield's" it says, "Hazel Bradfield's horses, his eyes were open." Also, above "Bradfield's" it says "shuffling," to shuffle the initials, as we'll see.
Next we look at the italicized, "ing up." The letters "ing" add to 30 so we turn up thirty pages to Page 302. Why from 272 instead of 273? Well, it matches, but there's also a hint on the right page margin that reads, "standing part of," and the definition for standing part is "the main part of ... as opposed to the free end." The main part is where the puzzle is, page 272.
Notice above on the right, the beginning of the last paragraph starts with, "It's all right." Read 203 from the right and we get the same page number.
Image 3
On Page 302, are the words, on the same part of the page, "Left, Right and Centre." We take "Kulmhof and Gross Rosen, the capital letters of those words, and arrange them left, right and center to get KRG.
They also say just above that, "...German, I been damn nearly American" to tell you that I am indeed American, even though the title of the book is a charade: A Small Town in Germany.
The Blood test puzzle
Images 1 & 2
Please read. This is Page 123, which you've already seen, however, this time I have circled in green the words, "cypher room said: 'Back at two fifteen" on Line 13. We're going to DOT THROUGH the "o" of "two". That DOT THROUGH is shown on Page 125, on the "o" of "overlooking" (see image on right). We have a letter match, so we know it was the correct "o" to DOT THROUGH. We'll cover "overlooking" in the next image. Of note is that it said on page 123, "silliest bloody job in Registry".
Image 3
When you "overlook", i.e., look over, look across at Page 124 (since it says, "booked a window table overlooking"), where it says, "Come on Leo, we're of one blood, you and I" (noting the red dot of the liquid ink pen shows we DOTTED through after the word "Come", you then know to circle "magic blood" on Page 125. (Scroll up just a tad to see bottom of right image.) It also says, "Iron bloody well choose your lovers with more care". Again the word blood. Where it says Iron is because I'm ron, as in Kipp Ron Gibbs {Forbes}.
I'll note here that my birthday is 7/25/64 and that this is the beginning of Chapter 7 on Page 125, AND it says "Leo", my birth sign, WHICH THE BOOK NOTES IN A PUZZLE, again on Page 124, from "overlooking".
The "Oh's" all match, three of them: 1) the "o" of "two"; 2) of "on"; and 3) of "overlooking".
Image 4
Here's the same pages again. I have circled the first two letters (capitalized) of my last name, "GI", and numbered it. It's the 27th word, because there are 27 books in the New Testament of the Bible. You'll note that the words "God", "booked", "heavenly", and "seven" (as in God rested on the 7th day, in the book of Genesis) are circled, indicating the 27 relationship. They murdered him by interrupting his circadian rhythym with microwaves, thereby inducing a heart attack, in 1990, the year I was 26.
How have they kept the banking records from being revealed? Stinging of hands and threats of murder and framing for a crime not committed.
Images 5 & 6
Although you may at the moment not believe it, that the Rule of 72 is on Page 351 is no coincidence. This book is Barron's Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms and I'm Ron and they called my father a Baron, an extremely wealthy person. The letters of Jesus Christ add to 151 and the first entry on the page, Royalty Trust, refers to my trust funds, as in the King of Kings. Gov't bureaucrats with a ghost-writing mic system have a lot of time on their hands and are prolific to say the least. Naturally they're tying it in to the above page. Okay, this could be a coincidence, and if it is it was done by Heaven. Either way, there you go.
On the right is Page 35 of the book A Small Town in Germany, with the same God, church themes. Here you'll find the word "running" on the second from the bottom line, which is why the word "RUN" is on the top right corner of Barron's (not something intended by the puzzlemakers). To wit: "but the light of God. Janet Cork, wife of the cypher clerk, stood beside her, her mind upon her unborn child" (Lines 1 & 2) ... "he was making headway, was a Low Church man" (Line 12) ... "He's never [adds to 64]" (Line 14) ... "four" (Line 13) "running" (Line 16), where runner (I was told by Stanley Gibbs) is the American Indian meaning of the word kipp, what my adoptive father named me when he thought I was his child (before the blood tests; there were two), because he is part Indian. The real reason he named me Kipp is because Malcolm Forbes has a son with the nickname Kip (Christopher "Kip" Forbes) and Stanley Gibbs was aware that I was Malcolm Forbes son.
Image 7
They're on this God theme a lot. More money than God, is that the only reason? Here note on Page 138, "He saw it all happening again; he told people that: history repeating itself."
Image 8
Notice the words beginning on the 3rd line: "History repeats itself, but the first time it's a tragedy and the second time it's a comedy ... 'What was he like?' Turner insisted, 'What was he really like?' 'Leo, God, what are any of us really like?' ... silly faith. God is dead ... ascending into Heaven. Suddenly, there was Leo. Indisputably, unquestionably, positively Leo.".
The above paragraph is for entertainment purposes until it isn't. (Note: I put this disclaimer here so they wouldn't hospitalize me if I published it, but I kept my being Christ a secret.)
Images 9 & 10
Here's page 64, which says, "bloody thing, positive or negative. What was he then, for Christ's..." It says that because Stan Gibbs, if I recall, and I think I do, had AB negative blood and Shirley Gibbs (Gilmetti) has O positive blood. I have O positive blood, not possible from that combination. "What was he then:" Forbes.
On the right, below, you also see circled, "Five years back. In the nightclubs. Someone worked him over; he was in hospital for six weeks. They managed to hush it up." Five years back from the book's copyright date of 1968 was 1963, the year of my conception, and Stanley Gibbs was away at work in the Coast Guard, is my understanding from the book, if you read the whole thing.
Of course, 64 is my birth year.
Images 11, 12 & 13
Here is non-electronic image of Page 133, showing the full page. Circled, on the 12th line, are the words, "Messianic turn of phrase, I fear". The word "turn" is to turn to page 166, since Messianic having to do with Jesus Christ and "I fear refers to the opposite: the Devil, whose number is 666, so we turn page 166, and there we have a blood test, but before we do that, there is an italicized word on the page that adds to 48, so we turn to page 148, as well. There we have a reference to my adoptive father's rare blood type, AB- (AB negative). It tells us that my blood type cannot be from him, and two blood tests were taken to determine paternity (as far as I can tell) AFTER I was already named and the birth certificate issued, listing my mother's husband as the father, even though—as suspicions bore out—it was not his child. The italicized word that adds to 48 is "galere". Here's the alphabet legend again:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Before we turn to Page 148, let's look at the bottoms of Pages 133, 123 and 125. At the bottom of Page 133 is "Herr Doktor (approximating heir, as in rich) ... above all". At the bottom of Page 123, the kip page, is "kip after all". We want to focus on the "after all". We want to match these to the bottom of Page 125, where it says, "magic blood", above which it says, as part of another word, "Dr". What we're matching is the "above all" on Page 133 to the "magic blood" on Page 125. If you go too far, back to Page 123 from Page 133, since that's how we got to Page 133, it's says "after all" so you turn the page, and bingo, there's "magic blood" on the next page, letting us know the next puzzle is a blood test, which is solved next.
Image 14
So, remember, we're now arriving here from Page 133.
This is Page 148, from the word "galere". You'll that it says this: "Bonn, the distinctions are too rigid, and too many. The A's remain with the A's and the B's remain with the B's". Above that, on beginning on line 15 (not circled), it says, "He is in fact a B..."
Image 15
Next we arrive at Page 166 (shown on the right below), from the "Messianic turn of phrase, I fear," (on the left, twelve lines down). Notice these key points on page 166:
Line 7: "O-level", where my Blood type is O+ (O positive). There's more on this in a minute.
Above that, on Line 4 is, "The B team played away on Mondays." meaning Gibbs was not there. It's also Line 4 and I was born in '64.
The bottom line on the page, circled, says, "Obutus plus", another reference to my blood type, also has "forty-eight" above it, another reference to the AB blood page, DIRECTLY ABOVE "Obutus plus". This blood test continues on the adjacent page, 167, and from there, via italics, goes to page 34.
I have blood type O+, which according to the following says that I can't be Stanley Gibbs' child. My mother's blood type is the same as mine, O+, and Stanley Gibbs' is AB-.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Image 16
Here on Page 167 notice the turn to page italicized word is "fair" on Line 16, but before we turn we consider Lines 6 & 7. There we see:
Line 6: "Oh, sure, sure" a reference to O positive; and
Line 7: "And if it's a boy, Cork said, I'll take it on myself, where we showed "Cork" earlier is the character Arthur Meadows who is Malcolm Forbes, Me-a-Dow, the Dow Jones Industrials.
The word "fair" brings us to Page 34, where it says, "The Irish blood had come through richly in Hazel...sunbeams", shown the next page below. For the moment we're going to overlook the italicized words "full", "that", and "adores". Not circled is the italicized word "some" (Line 8) since it also adds to 52, just as adores. (I guess my father adored me if he gave me what seems like millions in trust funds. The word "Russian" on Line 3 refers to that. He wrote me letters and gave me expensive knick knacks, as well, and they know that.) Guess what 52 is? Kipp, my first name (add the letters).
Image 17
Page 34 says this: "The Irish blood had come through richly in Hazel...sunbeams"
Image 18
Now we go back to Page 167 (shown again below) and look at Line 3, where it says in italics, "that", which adds to 49. So, we turn to Page 49, and that is shown next. Pages 51 and 52 puzzle to my house, and so we're not going to those pages yet. Staying on the blood test puzzle.
Image 19
Page 49 has the words on Line 12, "for? Some bloody absolute" as in proof positive, crystal clear, or as the book says elsewhere, as you've seen, "there was Leo. Indisputably, unquestionably, positively Leo." "for", of course, is for Forbes. You'll also note the reference to "Shawn" on Line 7, which recalls the puzzle identifier S-H-A-W-N that highlighted, "MALCO For".
Here's a God theme snippet for you from the book I Was Told There'd Be Cake: "Christmas in July" (my birth month on the 25th)... "so that when Jesus slips in there, he goes almost unnoticed. Think of a zany romantic comedy in which a woman mistakenly swallows her engagement ring." "Rice Krispies ... Yom Kippur ... in New England but a place where we sang the Lord's prayer before" (as in Forbes and 1964).
The Gov't Spying
(Note: This is not the Kennedy puzzle that is in the book. Find it yourself, hence believing the authenticity. Also know that there's a term called Absolute Zero, which is the temperature of deep space (not near the Earth where radiant heat heats the atmosphere where satellites are), which is minus 459.67 degrees below zero. According to scientists, nothing functions at that temperature. So how'd they land on the Moon, which, until recently, had a temperature of Absolute Zero BUT NOW had a temperature of 125 degrees for the Moon landing. Yeah, right. Absurd.)
In 1963 when the gov't was spying on Forbes' island it was because there were only three networks (NBC, ABC and CBS) and one public channel, PBS and magazines and newspapers were big. The TV's had round dials and only 11 channels total, beginning at 2 and ending at 12, and of those 3, 9 and 11 had no content and were just static. Because of this media outlets like the New York Times, Forbes Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, and Newsweek were giants.
Since my father, a most colorful CEO who rode a Harley and owned a helicopter, knew, as far as I can tell from other information not in this book, Paul Mellon, who had a house next door to the famed Kennedy Compound in Hyannis, the gov't was worried about news that may catch them unawares through publication in Forbes.
I stand corrected. There was also channel 13 and UHF, as shown here. I went from memory as a child and then thought I ought to show someone who hasn't seen one what the TV dials looked like.
ABC had three channels of the 14 you see. CBS had three channels and NBC had three channels.
Paul Mellon's Hyannisport house on right. Kennedy Compound on left.
I took this photo in the winter. Can you tell? I'm really just saying it's my photo.
In back of me is where the ferry goes by. I'm on the beach. Almost everyone thinks
the house on the right is the Kennedy Compound and know nothing of it's former owner, Mellon.
Where do these puzzle-books come from? Well, probably the CIA, but the concept may have originated at the NSA (National Security Agency) which is referred to as the Puzzle Palace and as No Such Agency, which seems to indicate that they disavowed (lied) that the NSA even existed before it was publicly known and it is reported that they did. The dreams may correct their lying ways when questioned whether they and/or the CIA authors puzzle-books.
You can see here in a web-search that the agency wasn't even in the Federal Register.
I believe they also make a reference to themselves with the watchword "Compensation" in several places in A Small Town in Germany. Of note is Page 42, where there's the italicized "us" for U.S., followed by "in" directly above a capital, stand-alone letter "E". This, presumably, is for look in the following word at the letter "E" where you see the letters "nsa". To make it even more clear, if you look before the "E" the letters are "ns".
Page 42, on the same line and directly below Compensation, also says, "baby," where the initials KRGF add to 42. The "Compensation's" probably a dual reference that also exclaims, Look at how much money the baby received in trust funds!
You can find an eerily similar reference to what appears to be the CIA on Page 54. Notice the word "us" appears directly below the letters "cia" with a highlight to it by two em dashes and "Bradfield". Partners in crime. The beginning of the paragraph also starts with, "The cypher clerks" and there's the communication notices that say "telegrams" and "telephone."
On the last line of the page it says, "against the radiator," which is slang for gun, as in we're against using a gun. Make it look like an accident. There were attempts made on my life, even when I was a small child, where I can think of at least two. I do not know if "radiator" was slang for gun in 1968, but it is now so it may have been then. The date you see in the definition below of July 25 (which just happens to be my birthday), 2010 is probably when the entry was made to the dictionary by younggunz28 but it is not the date the word's meaning originated.
It gets more specific on Page 130. Notice on the same line where it says "CIA" it ends with "ci-". It also says, "Invisible Government" and directly below "princi-" it says "conspire." Just spell it right out. A "principal" is a party in charge.
Do you see where it says, "Ludwig Siebkron" two lines below "CIA?" That solves to "side kron," or Kipp Ron. That's the subject of our next puzzle, but before we go there let's look at Siebkron a couple of times, after this image.
On Page 132 we see "Siebkron" with "outside. God" above it. On the next line is the italicized word "that" followed by "game" for another name game. On the last line it says, "right" directly below "Sieb" of Siebkron, for right is kron.
On Page 194 is "Bradfield" to highlight a data field and "Siebkron, side." Below "side" is "him" which is a watchword for the person they're talking about. You also see "man to stare at" below "Bradfield and Siebkron" with "stare" directly below Siebkron.
The Kill Him puzzle
Image 1
On Page 338, where the letters of "death" add to 38, is another Leo triangle. Just below the third Leo is the word "torch" which means burn through the page, so we DOT through the "o" of Leo.
Image 2
That brings us to Page 336 on the word "do," an instruction for "Siebkron," which appears in the text. If you read the italicized words you'll get the instruction, but they reinforce it on Page 337, the facing page. We take note of the word "face," which has a double meaning, and the word "turn" on the line above. The first meaning is facing page, so we turn to Page 337, shown next below.
Image 3
Page 337 says "drawn" so we draw a line. The bottom of the page, on the drawn line, says "a face rose." So we go back up the page. See the next image for a zoom of the page.
Image 4
Here, below, you can see "raw, white" above "moon face" and on the drawn line is the word "moles." I have a mole on my right jaw.
If you glance back up at the full page, you can see that they say in italics, "We've got to kill him...or we shall be wearing the labels again..." They say "kill" seven times on the page.
Besides being called Leo in the book, I am also referred to as Karfeld, Klaus Karfeld. Notice that it says, "raw, white legs of Karfeld's."
They were worried that if the world knew I and God existed, the government would become truly good and they and all of their corruption would be condemned; however, not much is going to happen. Through attrition we'll be able to phase out the CIA, NSA and the military, because they won't be needed, and balance the budget, which we should do.
The word dream is 41 and so is the word king. So we have Dream King, and that's how I'll rule the world and prevent war and the most serious crimes. Look at the following puzzle, a puzzle of letters, not a puzzle from this book.
Where it says 666 with dots in between the sixes, that for multiplication, since 6 times 6 times 6 equals 216. 216 is another way of saying 666 or the Devil's in the details.
Here's a story entitled
It has an approximation of my birthdate and says Baby Jesus. I was born 7/25/1964. Why is 780 highlighted? Because the name "Kennedy" adds to 78.
Who writes this stuff? Forbes employees who are controlled by the government. They make threat articles on itself. Do they know what they're doing? Who knows, but they for sure don't know why they're doing it.
The article has the name "Stevenson," which is both Malcolm Forbes and his son's, Steve Forbes, middle name.
It says, "stunning waterfall," where the word "water" is used as code for the electrical term "watt."
It says misinformation was spread, which is why the Internet says that it's a different wealthy Forbes family from Scotland that owns Naushon Island with a "J. Malcolm Forbes" who they say is not the Malcolm Forbes of Forbes Magazine.
And there's an infamous pain reference if anybody talks. This excerpt is from the above Wikipedia article.
Now they made a mistake. Not only are both wealthy Forbes families from Scotland, they're both from the exact same place in Scotland: Aberdeenshire. You can see in the above Wikipedia article (two slides above, on the right) that the so-called Boston Forbes are from Aberdeenshire, but for Malcolm Forbes' (of Forbes Magazine) father (below) they say, "New Deer, United Kingdom." But guess where New Deer is? It's in Aberdeenshire, as well, a blunder. (See three images below.)
Here's the Boston Forbes again, saying they own Naushon Island (see bottom of image), where my mother lived in 1963.
This says that New Deer, United Kingdom is in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. So I guess they want us to believe that two super wealthy (Steve Forbes of Forbes Magazine is reported to have a fortune of $400 million) Forbes families came from the exact same place in Scotland. How wealthy are the purported Boston Forbes? Well, Naushon Island is eight miles long (even though the Internet says seven miles long, my birth month) and is on Cape Cod.
Here's Aberdeenshire. Even though it seems quite large at 2,437 square miles, that's only 50 miles by 50 miles, a pretty small area.
The movie "National Treasure: Book of Secrets"
In the movie "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" under Queen Elizabeth II's Resolute Desk in Buckingham Palace is carved the name "Malcolm Gilvary," his initials and the year 1880.
Gilvary adds to 94 and J. Malcolm Forbes supposedly died in 1904. (See "From" above.) Of course it starts with "Gi" because my last name is Gibbs.
Says above that he was a puzzle solver and there's the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle in the book A Small Town in Germany, the true book of secrets. It also has above my initials "KG."
The above article is from web address "".
Guess what the year 1880 carved into the desk is? It's the year Malcolm Forbes father was born:
Since the 1880 on the desk isn't quite distinct I'll show you a page of clips from the movie where they say, "1880:"
Here you can listen for yourself. (UPDATE: The next day instead of seeing videos I saw a blank, gray rectangle. The site that hosted the videos was down. Either the gov't did it or the site is unreliable. So if you want to hear it just see the movie. However, I searched for a script of the movie and found one. Below the videos—or blank gray—is an image of the script.)
Here's the script. See line 9.
The letters of "Forbes" add to 65 and the initials the government refers to me as, KRGF (Kipp Ron Gibbs Forbes), add to 42. You can find both of those numbers on this movie summary page:
Later the movie said, "Find the noble bird, let him take you by the hand and give you passage to the sacred temple."
Here's screenshots ensuing from when they said,
"He took his son's hand.
He looked him in the eye, and he said,
with his dying breath,
- "The debt that all men pay."
- "The debt that all men pay"?
The debt that Thomas paid.
That's five letters.
Try "Death."
- What?
- It's the keycode."
Malcolm Forbes is Gates. The keycode is the solution to the puzzles in the actual book of secrets that Christ has been reborn and exists, A Small Town in Germany, and that is why Malcolm is carved under the Queen's desk.
Here are the screenshots from the movie. Notice that the second one has my initials "KG" and an informal hi or hello, which would, they threaten, lead to death.
The also spell most of my last name, Gibbs, with the word "gibberish" at a key point in the movie, when they're showing "MALCOM GI," "KG" and "DEATH."
My middle name within a titled person Baron, below. Of course the real word to decode is Siebkron. They also called Malcolm Forbes a baron, a rich person. The below image is from the movie "National Treasure: Book of Secrets." It says, "BARON." I also own Baron's Court, a house in London that my father bought for me when I was a toddler. This movie says don't you dare contact him or give him the deed.
And this is page 171 of John le Carre's book Single & Single:
From 1977 John le Carre book The Honourable Schoolboy:
Boule (boo·ley) is also spelled on the screen, and is another name for Sigma Pi Phi, the nomenclature used by the gov't group. They also use the codes 49, That (letters add to 49), and 94, since Sigma Pi Phi was founded in Philadelphia in 1904. In the movie they say, "La Boule" as though that's some French person, when, in fact, La is French for "the," giving The Boule.
The Boule Journal is one of their publications.
The satelliters may not be actual members but they reference this group constantly to me. They've coded a page about the antennas that they used before satellites in the 1940's, noting that Tesla published in 1934.
This scene from the movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets says, inexplicably, when the scene had nothing to do with puzzles (noting that the gov't refers to the stingray device as a WATER, as in watts of electricity):
"No one's ever going to find out.
It's not a puzzle. No more puzzles, Ben,
or we're all going to die."
We being us, those who have known about it from the beginning. We're alive, except for my father, but the satelliters try to kill me with the satellite system all of the time, just enough so I can feel a cerebral attack or a slight heart attack sometimes, presuming that I can't feel it most of the time, as Heaven lets me know, but most of the time simply blocks it. Due to spans of felt attacks repetitive nature it would appear that they try to kill me at least once a day with that system.
There are visitors to this website from countries all over the world, and the media, if it hasn't started somewhere already, may soon start talking about these webpages.
Luke 4:14 KJV says, "And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about." About adds to 59 and I'm 59 years old now. It appears to be happening. The Bible is mysterious in the way events unfold.
Most of the web traffic is going up to my cloud, with capacity that is able to serve the world.
Do not come here looking to be cured of a malady. That will roll out worldwide by itself and doesn't require touching me. In fact, if you do try to touch me, not only will you not be cured, you'll be blacklisted from being cured. I need privacy and social distancing like anyone else.
Here's an image of the clip mentioned above, aptly named (first one below). The number of views says 26k (God adds to 26), but when I clicked on it to screen record the section that I had just seen on TV (Thu., Sep. 3, 2020), it said 28k.
This is S1:E7 of "Unbelievable" where she says the word "frame" and then in about twenty seconds the other person says, "...50 minutes," where the gov't uses "50" as a threat to frame, which is embodied but may not be derived from "Hawaii Five-0," a cop show from a long time ago.
For some reason the video turns out sideways from my iPhone. Also, I only recorded the word "frame" and didn't wait the twenty seconds because the file size woulda been huge, but you can view it yourself from Netflix if you don't want to take my word for it.
Kipp adds to 52. Later at 6:14 (well a few seconds before that but that's where I paused the episode) the screen shows a "42" and a "203," where my initials that the government refers to me by, KRGF, add to 42 and "Kipp Ron Gibbs Forbes" adds to 203. Of note in the image of the 203 is that it says, "C53" (see 53) and 4:53 is the exact time that they say the word "frame." Replay the above clip to see it.
So that you can see it I photographed each number individually and then together.
Above, his license number ends with a "24R," where the "R" says to read from the right (common parlance for coders), giving another 42.
Here they are as was shown on screen, side by side:
Malcolm Forbes owned a 171,400 acre ranch in Colorado that he purchased in 1969. Not wanting to be too obvious they made the license have a date of birth in 1979 (see the image with the 42), but the Forbes (who were afraid of what the government would do) would pick this out easily since the license says Colorado.
What's the show "Unbelievable" about? Rape. So framed for rape or a sex crime and get you killed in prison before you're exonerated. They threaten this so that the Forbes or the Illuminati won't say who I am, Christ, because the government promises that I'd be a dead Christ. The government also threatens to kill me with microwaves, however, Heaven is now blocking them. Y o u a r e f r e e.
The section that above said it was moved appears here:
Images 10 & 11
This page says that the ghost of the political ghost story is Leo Harting. Below that is a scene from the movie Ghost that has a 42 and "Bank & Trust." Either Heaven did it or the government mic'd the scene.
The intials KRGF (Kipp Ron Gibbs Forbes) add to 42 and they don't want anyone telling me about my trust funds and the bank(s) they're in.
The reason the video is only 5:34 in length is because it's a clip of the subway scene from YouTube. I noticed it because there's 42s all over the place in the scene. This is only one of them. I saw the movie and took a picture of my TV, but it came out blurry, so I searched YouTube for it.
While I was walking in a crowded Providence Place Mall in Providence, Rhode Island two African American males who were approaching me looked at me and one said to the other, "There's our mark." "Mark" is a mob term for a hitman meaning person they are going to kill. Note that the image from the movie, below, says "MARK ET," where "ET" was a movie about an Extra Terrestrial, meaning not from Earth. Coincidence? Why did they say it? Probably the same reason the movie says it: a threat of what they would do if the Illuminati or the Forbes talked.
How did they accomplish this, if they, people within the government, directed it? Through the ubiquitous mic system. When I was in Madawaska, Maine I got three bumps on my head, two just above the ears and one in the back of my head. Shortly after I noticed them music started playing in my head, presumably the beginning of a mic activation. Before it went too far I slipped and landed backwards, horizontal with the floor, banging the back of my head on the floor. It broke the mic. The bumps are no longer there, so either the Illuminati or the government must have seen this as a sign to remove them.
Image 12
Why does 42 matter? Because that's a primary way the gov't references me in literature and other mediums. The references are used in deterrence, in shut-up books, etc., to people who know about me and know what it means. I wasn't supposed to find out about it.
This image has more 42s. There were even many more in the movie.
The works on this page are not the only places that you'll find our information as threat matrices. It's pretty much all over the place.
To give you something to think about, this is the screen of my Google Home Assistant (Nest) on 5/28/20. (The time of 9:43am is the time that I took a screenshot of the photo that I snapped, which does two things: 1) reduces the size of the saved image; and 2) the photo file time that is displayed when viewed in the photos app of the iPhone goes with the picture, something that won't happen without doing that.)
The Heavens
----------------- Please read the following note. -------------------
UPDATE: The correct versions of this book are no longer available. You can buy the book but it has the wrong number of pages, throwing a lot of things off. We should demand that the publisher make available the correct versions of the book, which are listed below.
A Small Town in Germany
Copyright 1968, March 2002 printing by publisher Pocket Books, 338 pages; or
Publisher Scribner, First Scribner trade paperback edition November 2008, 338 pages.
Both publishers are divisions of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Here's what the "M-A-L-C-O For" puzzle page looks like with an incorrect version of the book. The puzzle disappears. (I forgot to turn off the timestamp.) I believe this is the first copy that I bought, a hardcover, but I had seen the correct version and solved its puzzles, so I looked for the cover picture in the versions available online and bought that; it was correct. I bought the Pocket Books edition because of the cover photo and also the Scribner version, which has the same cover and number of pages, except I wanted a searchable version of the book so I bought the Scribner one through a book-scan service. That one was Scribner because I couldn't find another copy from the Pocket Books publisher. Here's an incorrect version:
Book is downloadable and is made available under the Fair Use Provision of the United States Copyright Act.
This is a scan of the book that I obtained from a company that does that. You'll see that the copyright page says that the publisher is Scribner. Scribner and Pocket Books are both divisions of Simon & Schuster and the books are exactly the same if you buy the one with 338 pages and the cover as shown.
Right-click on the link and choose Save or "Save link as" or you can click the link at the bottom that says, "Click here" and then on the Download button on the top right, after it loads (may take awhile if you do it that way).